
Rat Control UK: Professional Services to Eradicate Rat Infestations

Do you suspect your property has rat infestation? Are you looking for effective rat control? Then Pestforce is here to help.

Rat Control UK

We understand the vital importance of effective rat control in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for both residential and commercial spaces.

Rats may seem like just another pest, but they can pose serious threats to your property and well-being. That's why we are here to equip you with the knowledge and expert solutions necessary to eradicate any rat infestation.

Know Your Enemy: Rats and Why They Are Dangerous

When it comes to rat control, understanding your enemy is crucial. Rats are not just bothersome creatures; they are highly adaptable and resourceful. With their ability to squeeze through tiny openings and climb to seemingly unreachable places, rats can infiltrate your property undetected.

But the dangers of rats extend far beyond their nuisance factor. These rodents are known carriers of various diseases, including:

  • Salmonellosis: a bacterial infection causing symptoms like diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal pain.
  • Leptospirosis: a bacterial disease that can lead to kidney damage, liver failure, and even death.
  • Hantavirus: a virus transmitted through rat droppings, with symptoms ranging from flu-like to severe respiratory distress.

Moreover, rats have a destructive nature. Their constant need to gnaw on materials, such as electrical wires and wooden structures, can lead to:

  • Electrical failures and fire hazards.
  • Compromised structural integrity, including weakened foundations and damaged insulation.

Don’t Miss the Clues: Identifying Signs of Infestation

Being able to recognize the signs of a rat infestation is essential in taking swift action.

Look out for tell-tale signs like:

  • Droppings: Find small, dark droppings (0.5 inches, twist in the middle) around your property.
  • Gnaw Marks: Notice fresh gnaw marks on wood, plastic, or other materials.
  • Unpleasant Odours: Detect strong, musky smells in specific areas of your property.
  • Unusual Noises: Hear scratching, scampering, or squeaking sounds coming from walls / ceilings.

Conduct a thorough inspection of your property, paying particular attention to areas where rats are likely to hide and seek shelter such as: basements, attics / roof spaces, garages and sheds.

Our Effective Rat Control Services

At Pestforce, we offer professional rat control services that are designed to effectively address infestations and provide long-term solutions. Our team consists of highly trained experts with extensive experience in dealing with rats.

The Pestforce Process for Rat Control:

  1. Consultation: we listen to your problem and determine how we can help. We will book in a convenient time for us to attend and survey your property, we will look to give an outline on cost and length of treatment.
  2. Inspection and Assessment: we conduct a detailed inspection of your property to identify the extent of the infestation and assess the contributing factors.
  3. Treatment Plan: we employ a bespoke and effective treatment plan to eradicate the rat infestation. This may involve baiting and or trapping methods usually carried out over 3 visits.
  4. Sanitisation and Clean up: we clean and sanitise affected areas to eliminate traces of rat contamination.
  5. Prevention: we seal entry points, such as small gaps and openings, that allow rats to gain access to your property. We will also provide you with actionable advice on how to prevent future rat infestations which can be found on our digital treatment reports.

Stay One Step Ahead: Rat Prevention Tips

Preventing rat infestations is just as important as eliminating existing ones.

Here are some practical tips to keep rats away from your property:

  • Seal Entry Points: fill gaps and openings in walls, foundations, and around utility lines.
  • Proper Waste Management: secure bins tightly and dispose of rubbish regularly.
  • Regular Cleaning: keep your property and surrounding areas clean.
  • Secure Food Storage: store food in airtight containers, and don't leave pet food out overnight.
  • Maintain a Tidy Environment: trim vegetation and remove clutter around your property.

Clearing the Confusion: Answers to Common Rat Control Questions

We understand that you may have questions about rat control, and we are here to provide answers.

Here are some common concerns and their comprehensive answers:

Can I eradicate my property of rats on my own?

While DIY solutions can be attempted, professional rat control services are recommended due to their knowledge, experience, and ability to address the infestation comprehensively. It is not unusual for us to resolve an issue after the customer has spent £00’s on DIY solutions.

How long does rat control take?

The duration of rat control depends on the severity of the infestation and other factors. Our team will provide an estimated timeline during the assessment process. As a general rule we would say 2-3 weeks to get control and eradicate an infestation.

Are the methods you use safe for humans and pets?

Yes, we employ safe and humane methods that minimize risks to humans and pets. Our team is trained to handle and place baits / traps responsibly.

Take Action Now

Don't let rats wreak havoc on your property and put your health at risk. Take action today by contacting Pestforce for a consultation or booking our expert rat control services. Our friendly and professional teams are ready!