
Live Bee Removal and Relocation UK

Encountering a bee nest in or around your property can lead to concerns, particularly due to the essential role bees play in our ecosystem. Understanding the importance of bees for pollination and biodiversity, Pestforce offers professional bee relocation services, ensuring the safety of both the bees and your family.

Understanding the Importance: Bees and Their Benefits

Bees are crucial to the environment, contributing significantly to the pollination of flowers, fruits, and other plants. Unlike wasps, bees are generally not aggressive and only sting when provoked. However, having a bee nest close to human activity can pose risks, especially for those with allergies.

Here are some common types of bees you may encounter in the UK:

  • Honeybees (Apis mellifera): Known for their role in honey production, honeybees live in large colonies and are vital pollinators.
  • Bumblebees (Bombus spp.): Larger and with a distinctive buzzing sound, bumblebees are important for wildflower and garden pollination.
  • Solitary Bees (Various species): Unlike honeybees and bumblebees, solitary bees live alone but are still essential pollinators.

While bees are less likely to sting than wasps, their nests can still pose issues if located near homes or businesses.

Identify the Hive: Recognizing Signs of Bee Infestation

Identifying a bee nest on your property is crucial for their safe and ethical relocation.

Watch out for these signs:

  • Sightings of Bees: Regular bee activity, especially near a particular area, may indicate a nest.
  • Visible Hive: Bee hives can vary in appearance, but they are often seen hanging from branches or attached to structures.
  • Buzzing Sounds: A noticeable increase in buzzing sounds near your property could signal a nearby hive.

Our Expert Bee Relocation Services

At Pestforce, we are committed to the safe and humane relocation of bee nests.

Our approach includes:

  1. Consultation: Contact us to discuss your bee situation. We will schedule a visit to assess the hive and plan for safe relocation.
  2. Risk Assessment: Our experts will evaluate the location and size of the hive, considering any potential risks to ensure a safe relocation process.
  3. Ethical Relocation: We use sustainable methods to relocate bees, working closely with local beekeeping associations to ensure they are moved to a suitable new environment.
  4. Post-Relocation Advice: After relocating the hive, we provide advice on preventing future bee nests and promoting a bee-friendly environment.

Staying Safe: Bee Prevention Tips

Preventing unintended bee infestations is essential for maintaining harmony between humans and bees. Here’s how you can help:

  • Regular Inspections: Check your property for early signs of bee activity, particularly during spring and summer.
  • Seal Openings: Close any gaps or openings in walls, roofs, and eaves to discourage bees from nesting.
  • Garden Management: Maintain your garden to make it less attractive to bees looking for a nesting site.

Addressing Your Concerns: Common Bee Relocation Questions

We understand you may have questions regarding bee relocation, and we're here to help.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:


Is bee relocation safe for the bees?

Bee relocation is performed with the utmost care to ensure the safety and well-being of the bees, allowing them to continue their crucial pollination work in a more suitable location.


How long does bee relocation take?

The time required can vary based on the hive's size and location. Our team will provide an estimate during the initial consultation.

Act Now to Protect Our Bees

If you've discovered a bee nest near your property, act responsibly for the safety of both the bees and your environment. Contact Pestforce today for a consultation or to arrange our professional bee relocation services. Our dedicated team is ready to ensure the safe and respectful handling of our buzzing friends.